More than 30 million Americans suffer from diabetes today. The vast majority realize that living with diabetes demands unique care for their health. However, many diabetics are not aware that special attention is needed for their oral well-being as well. Truth be told, individuals with diabetes are two times more likely to be afflicted with gum disease, so their oral health should not be ignored.
There are steps that can be taken to maintain one’s gums and teeth and they start with a good oral cleanliness schedule:
- Daily brushing and flossing
- Regular dental appointments
- Controlling your blood glucose levels
Three of the oral concerns that affect diabetics at higher rates are described below:
- Tooth Decay – individuals with diabetes regularly experience dry mouth and an overactive production of bacteria in the mouth. Excessive bacteria on the teeth can lead to plaque, which produces an acid that causes cavities. Sugar aggravates this situation.
- Early Gum Disease – persons who suffer from diabetes are 3x more likely to experience early gum disease because they are more prone to have infections. When plaque isn’t removed from the teeth, it can develop into tartar. Tartar disturbs the gum lines and causes gingivitis. When this happens your gums become aggravated and bleed frequently.
- Periodontitis – when left untreated, gingivitis will spread from the gums to the soft tissue and bone structure of your teeth. This condition is called periodontitis. In addition to tooth loss, diabetics have a higher risk of a stroke or a heart attack. Periodontitis can make it harder to control your diabetes.
Due to the additional risks gums and teeth are susceptible to due to diabetes, it is essential to know the warning signs of oral diseases. Check your mouth regularly and call Dr. Soria’s office at (440) 354-0705 or book an appointment online if you are experiencing any of the issues listed above. Together, we’ll make sure your mouth stays happy and healthy!
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